Thursday, February 28, 2008


The two texts that I will be using is The allegory of the Cave the prequel to the dune series called the Legends of dune which is composed of three books called The Butlerian Jihad, The Machine Crusade, and The Battle of Corrin.

Their are some similarities between the two texts. They both deal with how the people became complacent with how their lives have gone and stopped looking for something new. Both have how people have become enslaved by a some sort of captor, people who see something new and then have to make a choice of following it or letting it pass them by.

Some differences are that the
Legends of dune is in future time where their enslavers are machines and not people. The biggest difference in the two stories is that you know for certain that the people are fighting back for change and to reclaim their freedom. In the allegory it seems the people found out that their is more out there, but are not sure about if they are ready and even want the change from what they have known their whole lives.


Belle said...

I thought your connection was good. I like how you are using all three movies as your three points. Have a great day!

Jeremy said...

Not bad, I think you can work with it. It a good choice for a synthesis.