Sunday, February 10, 2008


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gender streostypes have been around for a very long time now. they keep going on and on like the neigeizer bunny because people keep believing in them, and find them to be true. I think that for the msot part these sterotypes are true. thats not saying that there exactly right just that i think that most of them are how people are and become sterotypes for good reason. take for a example the sterotype then men should be the bread winners. i think this is right because its like ingrianed into my system that i need to be able to support my family. this sterotype isnt a really bad one,but its something that everyone needs to think of. i think that the biggest problem with sterotypes is that everyone takes them at face value. to me that is just plain stupid and ignorant. i think that you need to look at things as a whole then afterwords you can start to analyize it.

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