Thursday, April 10, 2008 The movie The Patriot released in 2000 is based on the American Revolution. This movie relies heavily on Pathos to draw the viewer in. Some of its stronger moments of Pathos is the general story line because of living in America we have a knowledge of this and its changes that it made. Another strong use of Pathos is Mel Gibson's desire to keep his family safe which most parents would agree with. I talked about this with a history teacher and said the way the things happened in here wasn't very accurate. so i belive the credibility on this movie is lacking, but for the average movie goer historically accuracy isn't that important as long as the story line is able to keep you drawn in. I think that this movie though is very logical in the flow of movie. The actions of the lead and anti-hero make sense and don't seem erratic or ill thought, but as how some in real life may handle the current situations.

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