Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jose Cuervo

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This ad is from Jose Cuervo and it is trying to sell its Tequila. Jose Cuervo has been in production sense 1795. Jose Cuervo is the oldest and obviously first tequila producer. This ad is designed for the younger crowd. The Picture shows that young 20 somethings are drinking and having fun. I think that by this they are trying to get younger crowds to like tequila and so then as they get older and drink more they will drink Jose and nothing else.
This ad only really hits on one of the appeals. This ad solely solely reallies Pathos. The picture wants to convey that if you drink you should do it with friends to enhance the time that your having with them. They stay away from Logos and Ethos in this because the person wanting this add isn't very interested in the logic and credibility of this add that much.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Shitty first drafts

My writing process I would have to go with it being more of a sloppy and then formulating a way to make it presentable. My freshman and Sophomore year I was part of the speech team my high school had. I was involved in a few different events but what I excelled at was Impromptu. for those who don't know what that is it is simply a judge gives a completely random prompt and you have 1.5 minutes to write and give a 6.5 minute speech on it. Doing this allowed me to shift through the junk in my head and just quickly find important aspects of the topic and maybe if I have time come up with subplots to it. Then while up there fine polish the ideas in my head and make them seem like I've known the topic for ages. I think that anything blogging which I've done in the past isn't suppose to be perfect I think its a place to vent, but even with that said I'm not going to write that way. In my other blog I use slang and other writing shortcuts that I like. With this blog I'm trying to write properly and with correct grammar. If I could I would speak differently, a more natural vent typing not this school worried about my grade typing.